Background Check

It is a requirement of the WKBSA insurer that all coaches listed on the roster undergo a background check. RFBSA and WKBSA are using a company called Averity to do this. It is the easiest and most economical solution that we have found. The process is simple. Each coach is responsible for completing their own background check. The cost is $16. If you have a background check from an alternate source, such as school, you may provide a copy of that instead.

The entire process is online and secure. You will complete a consent form and then input your personal information such as date of birth, social security number, address, etc. You will complete the payment screen and you background check will be performed.

The completed background check that we will have access to only contains a limited amount of information. Your social security number is not included. In most cases, the background check will be returned with no issue. If there is an issue flagged, it will be reviewed by a select group. This will be small and discrete. Our focus will be on issues of a violent or sexual nature or those incidents involving children. There will be many factors considered including age and severity of offenses as well as our personal interactions with the coach. Completion of the background check will be indicated on your roster.

You can begin your background check by accessing the following link: